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πŸš€ 5 Essential Docker Tools to Elevate Your Development Workflow 🐳

November 21, 2024 DevOps
πŸš€ 5 Essential Docker Tools to Elevate Your Development Workflow 🐳

After years of diving deep into Docker, I’ve discovered 5 transformative tools that have completely streamlined my container management and deployment processes. Here’s why they’re game-changers:

Let’s get it!


1. Lazy Docker

Lazy Docker

Lazy Docker is a terminal UI for Docker and Docker Compose that makes managing containers a breeze. Instead of having to remember and type out long Docker commands, you get an interactive interface where everything is just a keypress away.

Some of the key features include:

  • View container status, logs, and metrics at a glance
  • Restart/remove/rebuild containers with a single keypress
  • Monitor resource usage with ASCII graphs
  • Attach to container shells easily
  • Prune unused containers, images, and volumes
  • Full mouse support for clicking and scrolling

Getting started is super simple. On Mac, you can install it with:

brew install lazydocker

And then you can just run the lazydocker command to start it:

docker run --rm -it \
    -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \
    -v /yourpath:/.config/jesseduffield/lazydocker \

Don’t forget to replace /yourpath with the path to your home directory.

Bonus: Your friends will think you’re a wizard when you exclusively use the terminal and not Docker Desktop 😎

2. Sliplane

Sliplane is a hosting platform that makes deploying Docker containers super simple. While it’s not exactly a “tool” in the traditional sense, it’s become the go-to solution for many companies deploying Docker containers (full disclosure: I’m a co-founder!).

The main features that make it awesome for Docker deployments:

  • Push-to-deploy from GitHub or Docker Hub
  • Zero-downtime deployments
  • Automatic health checks and notifications
  • Built-in logging and monitoring
  • Pay-per-server model (host unlimited containers on one server)

The pricing is straightforward – you pay for the server (starting at 7€/month) and can host as many containers as you want on it. Perfect for when you have multiple small projects or need development environments.

Here’s what the deployment process looks like:


You can try it out for free for 2 days to see if it fits your needs!
Deploy Docker Apps in 2 Minutes πŸš€

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